
Textured Ceilings

Asbestos removal should always be done by a licensed asbestos removal company.

When dealing with asbestos, it is important to understand all the dangers associated with this hazardous material and all the aspects of the removal process. That includes preparation of asbestos removal area and removal site, isolation of removal site, non-friable and/or friable asbestos removal process, decontamination process, clean up of work site, arranging the clearance and supplying the job documentation to the client. Our company has experience with both residential and commercial properties, providing adequate removal solutions for all types of asbestos.

Have you got Textured Ceiling?

Although very popular in the 70s and 80s, textured ceilings can pose the risk of having asbestos as part of its makeup and finish. Those extra special sparkles, or the rough nature of the coating can hold a % of asbestos, that may need some attention and removal.

ACMR can help test for asbestos in those ceilings and we can remediate to a level that gives you piece of mind.

Let’s start with a test, and determine how we can best remove that ceiling, and let’s also talk about how we may be able to help you skim and plaster a new finished ceiling.

When we do scrape, there is a dust suppressant used and we are enclosed in a sealing environment. All waste is handled appropriately.  

What costs could you expect?

It really is dependent on what you desire as your last result. Coasts for A class Scrape and removal are usually around $150/sqm, but if you desire a finished skim and painted surface, you may look north of $250/sqm. Let’s discuss this and how we work around your schedule to get the job done, and make your space right for you!